Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Seth Meyers and John Oliver show how Trumpcare will kill many Americans

On Monday the US Congressional Budget Office report on Trumpcare — the replacement for the health insurance system that the Obama Administration proposed for Americans without employer provided health insurance — estimated 14 million people losing insurance in the first year 2018 and 24 million by 2026, with premiums soaring for older, lower-income Americans. The CBO says Trumpcare would cut the annual budget deficit about $30 billion a year in a $19 trillion economy. It adds: “In 2026, an estimated 52 million people would be uninsured, compared with 28 million who would lack insurance that year under current law.” That’s a fifth of the non-elderly population left to fend for themselves, nearly double the current proportion.

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Interview tricks of Trump's chief mouthpiece Kellyanne Conway

Kellyanne Conway has a supernatural ability to derail any interview that paints Donald Trump in a negative light. How does she do it?


Mika: Here's Why I Won't Book Kellyanne Conway | Morning Joe | MSNBC